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Fukui, Japan est. 1982

Fukui, Japan - In 1867, Fukui City sent Kusakabe Taro, a samurai from Fukui, to New Brunswick to learn English and attend Rutgers, then a Dutch Reformed Church College. He was the first Japanese to be awarded the Phi Beta Kappa, Kusakabe unfortunately died just before graduation in 1870 and is buried in Willow Grove Cemetery, in New Brunswick. Fukui is located and the Sea of Japan. with a population of more than 250,000. Sister Cities programs include exchanges of art, music, teachers, administrators, and students.  The Fukui Cultural Ambassador program was started in 2013, it gives the opportunity for a New Brunswick connected individual a chance to live and work in Fukui for a year. The official Sister Cities agreement was signed on May 25, 1982.


For more information about Fukui, Japan click here.

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Greetings to all who would like to learn about the sister city program of New Brunswick, New Jersey. By exploring our site, we hope to appeal to your curiosity about cross cultural relationships and to encourage your involvement in educational, political, cultural, and economic activities with our sister cities. 

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New Brunswick Sister Cities Association

Human & Community Services

Michael S. Tublin

Director International Programs 


City of New Brunswick

25 Kirkpatrick St., Civic Square, P.O. 269

New Brunswick, NJ 08903-0269

Phone: 732-745-5174 Fax: 732-565-7532


© 2025 by NBSCA

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